Does your loan offer any benefits specific to civil servants, such as lower interest rates or longer repayment terms?
Does your loan offer any benefits specific to civil servants, such as lower interest rates or longer repayment terms?
, there are
no special
loan arrangements for civil servants. All rates are the same for all
levels of
civil serv
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Does your loan offer any benefits specific to civil servants, such as lower interest rates or longer repayment terms?
No, there is no special loan arrangements of any kind for civil servants. All rates are the same for all levels of civil servants.
What happens if I get transferred to a different location within the civil service? Will it impact my loan application or repayment?
No, your staff ID remains the same across any governmental parastatal so it doesn't affect your current loan plan.
Does your company offer SMS or email notifications for upcoming loan repayments?
Yes, we do. We send periodic SMS or emails to individuals when they're close to their repayment date.
What is the minimum salary requirement to qualify for a loan?
The minimum salary requirement for civil servants is 20,000 Naira.
What happens if I get transferred to a different location within the civil service? Will it impact my loan application or repayment?
No, your staff ID remains the same across any governmental parastatal, so it doesn't affect your current loan